
In the News

Mining News and FIFO Updates

The Future of Women in Mining Jobs in Australia

The Future of Women in Mining

Countless studies across many industries have shown that increased diversity leads to a happier, safer, and more productive workplace. Mining is the latest industry to discover these positive outcomes, with a recent significant shift in the number of mining jobs for females.

November 11,2022
National Safe Work Month Australia: OH&S Focus for October

OH&S During National Safe Work Month

October is National Work Safe Month, so we’re taking the opportunity to explore why OH&S occupational health and safety are so important in today’s workplace.

October 28,2022
Three workers discussing FIFO work and FIFO jobs in Australia at a mining site, standing by a utility vehicle

FIFO Work: Everything You Need to Know

FIFO jobs dominate the mining, oil and gas sectors, and the resources industry wouldn’t run without them. FIFO jobs are available for all levels of experience, and the industry is… Continue reading FIFO Work: Everything You Need to Know

August 23,2022
FIFO worker on laptop doing tax return deductions in Australia

What Can 2022 FIFO Workers Claim on Tax?

FIFO tax deductions can differ slightly from those in other office-based careers. Knowing what counts as a FIFO tax deduction is essential, so you can make the most of your… Continue reading What Can 2022 FIFO Workers Claim on Tax?

July 11,2022
Mining safety sign with the message 'Swear By Safety' in a remote Australian mining site

Mining Safety in WA: The Most Common Health Risks

WA mining companies have a responsibility to their workers to ensure they are adequately trained and protected against mining safety risks. Even so, workers need to be aware of the… Continue reading Mining Safety in WA: The Most Common Health Risks

July 04,2022
Managing Fatigue while working in the mining industry.

Continuing the Upward Trend in Managing FIFO Fatigue

In a mining setting, with heavy machinery, dangerous equipment and major hazards, fatigue is a matter of life or death. This is why legislation, recommendations and guidelines have been well… Continue reading Continuing the Upward Trend in Managing FIFO Fatigue

June 21,2022

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