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Mining News and FIFO Updates

Know about highly paying FIFO Mining Jobs.

8 High-Paying FIFO Mining Jobs

Western Australia has booming natural resource industries, particularly those associated with mining. As such, more and more people are searching for FIFO jobs WA. FIFO or fly-in-fly-out is an especially… Continue reading 8 High-Paying FIFO Mining Jobs

January 07,2020
Job responsibilities of a HD Fitter.

What Does A HD Fitter Do?

Mining is a billion-dollar industry in Australia. It employs thousands of people who extract valuable commodities like coal, metals, minerals, and other ores from the earth—materials that are then used… Continue reading What Does A HD Fitter Do?

January 04,2020
Understanding the FIFO Mining jobs with Premium Mechanical Group.

A Guide to FIFO Mining Jobs

Western Australia’s resource sector is booming, so it’s unsurprising that FIFO mining jobs in Australia are abundant. With so many mining jobs wa vacancies available, aspiring candidates are eager to… Continue reading A Guide to FIFO Mining Jobs

November 04,2019
Understanding the responsibilities of a FIFO worker.

An Overview of FIFO Jobs Australia

Most Australians sometimes forget how truly massive the country is. The size of the country, the remoteness of many important mineral resources, and the relatively low population density have led… Continue reading An Overview of FIFO Jobs Australia

July 21,2019
Benefits of being a FIFO Worker in the Mining Industry.

5 Benefits of Being a Fly-in Fly-out (FIFO) Worker in the Mining Sector

The fly-in fly-out FIFO job Australia contract, an employment arrangement created specifically for long-distance work done in remote locations, is a labour hire sydney fixture that is relatively unique to Australia.… Continue reading 5 Benefits of Being a Fly-in Fly-out (FIFO) Worker in the Mining Sector

June 17,2019
Understand the difference in the FIFO and DIDO jobs.

What’s the Difference between FIFO and DIDO?

Two unique features of the mining operations model in Australia—introduced in the 1980s with the surge of the fuel, mining, mechanical, and geological sectors—are the FIFO job Australia structure and… Continue reading What’s the Difference between FIFO and DIDO?

May 29,2019

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